Latest Version Downloads

 Architecture      Link  Notes  Version
 Windows - install      2024-05-09
 Windows - without intallation      2024-05-09
 android      2023-09-09
 NFC READER MAX    If you are using NFC READER MAX or PCRPANDA 3 ultra, you can download this software, which supports chameleon function and Fudan CPU card function  2024-07-09



Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Latest Supported Downloads

The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries.

Architecture Link Notes
X86 vc_redist.x86.exe  Recommended 
X64 vc_redist.x64.exe




Download and installation of Microsoft net framework

If prompted Because your computer lacks the Microsoft. Net Framework 4.6 framework protocol, it is unable to install your running program; Simply download and install Net Framework 4.6 to solve the problem
